Feel free to explore to learn about my recent works
Thank you for visiting my portfolio! My name is Winnie Wu.
I am a full-stack web developer, fully certified by UC Berkeley’s Full Stack Coding Bootcamp, with a background in Sociology/Public Policy from UC Berkeley and a Master's in Public Health from University of San Francisco.
Previous experience includes 15+ years of experience in the non-profit and local government field, helping individuals across the multi-generational life span navigate the complex healthcare and education system. Provide daily exceptional service to clients, with ability to analyze problems, deliver swift tailored solutions, and stay informed to be a better resource.
I am passionate about using my coding skills to improve technologies used in healthcare settings for better patient care.
With my direct experience in serving diverse individuals, coupled with my working knowledge in public health promotion efforts and latest technologies, I aim to reduce health inequities and to improve access to quality, culturally-appropriate healthcare services and education.
Below are a handful of group and solo-projects developed during UC Berkeley's full stack coding bootcamp. If you'd like to see more of my other projects, please visit my GitHub repository found in the icon below!
Link to github repo: https://github.com/aaronhleung/inspo
Tools/Languages Used: Two server-side APIs, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, and MD Bootstrap CDN
Link to github repo: https://github.com/WinnieCWu/OurSpace.git
Tools/Languages Used: Node.js, Express.js, Dotenv, Jest, Handlebars.js, and MySQL
Link to github repo: https://github.com/WinnieCWu/some-deep-thoughts.git
Tools/Languages Used: Apollo Server, JWT, GraphQL, React
Please either click on the icons below or complete the form below, and I will respond timely. Thank you for your interest!
Email: winniechn7@gmail.com